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Application Process (application deadline extended until June 15, 2022)


Interested candidates should submit the following documents electronically via e-mail:

  1. CV: An updated curriculum vitae mentioning the applicant’s current position, last promotion, working experience, previous education/trainings in banking/finance, and personal information (gender, age, recent photo).

  2. Diplomas and certifications: Scanned copies of degrees, especially degrees related to formal education and proficiency in English.

  3. Motivation letter: A written statement by the applicant confirming that he/she will prepare for, attend and actively participate in all training modules, utilize the provided e-learning material as required and necessary, and creatively engage in the course project. A sample letter can be found here (Word-format) and here (pdf-format).

  4. Professional statement: A written statement by the applicant which includes areas of expertise, the number of people reporting directly to the applicant, a brief description of the top 3-5 current challenges at work, and in which position the participant will see himself/herself in 3-5 years. A sample statement can be found here (Word-format) and here (pdf-format).

  5. Teaching/coaching skills: A written statement by the applicant with respect to his/her potential teaching/coaching competencies, i.e., if the applicant had to teach or coach a group of colleagues in a bank training seminar, which topic would the applicant choose, and why? A sample statement can be found here (Word-format) and here (pdf-format).

  6. Language statement: English language proficiency statement by the applicant. It should be based on a self-evaluation in the four areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing (indicate for each area the proficiency level on a scale of 0 ... 10, i.e., 0 = no English language skills; 10 = native English language level). A sample statement can be found here (Word-format) and here (pdf-format).

  7. Employer letter: A commitment letter issued by the applicant’s employer bank (on employer letterhead) confirming that – in case of admission to the program – the applicant is given time off to join the training and the bank will pay the program fee.


Application Submission

Applicants should send a personal application e-mail, together with the required documents attached in a zip-file, to

The zip-file should be labeled with the applicant's first and last name.


Application Deadline


The deadline for submitting applications to the Swiss BET program is June 15th, 2022.

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